Monday, November 22, 2010

HELLO and Han Solo Shells with Chicken and Broccoli

Let me introduce myself:

I'm a fresh out of college nanny in D.C. to two wonderful boys, Anakin Skywalker [age 5] and The Daisy Picker [age 3], and their lovely newborn sister, Pepperoni. No, those aren't their real names, but the oldest is obsessed with Star Wars, the middle one is easily distracted [especially by nature's gems] and the little one is so pink that the boys nicknamed her Perpperoni. As much as I would love to gush about my wonderful family, I've decided to protect their identity and their privacy and keep this blog strictly on topic. What is that topic, you ask? I reply to your query, "With a title like 'The Nanny Cooks', could you be expecting anything other than food?!"

The mom of The Family (a.k.a. my employer) gave me free reign in developing dinner menus for the boys and I was incredibly excited about practicing my cooking skills. I'm no expert, but I am really great at following directions and recipes and loved to force my cooking on friends in college. What makes the idea of cooking for the boys even more intriguing is the ease in which I acquire all of my ingredients. The Family chooses to shop at a supermarket called "Giant" that provides online shopping and home delivery to their customers. I never have to step one toe into a supermarket. I just plan out the menus for the following week, add my ingredients to the list, and it shows up LITERALLY on my doorstep on Friday morning.

For my first recipe, I decided to pick something simple in ingredients to get the boys used to trying new things. Like most kids their ages, the boys consider hot dogs and chicken nuggets to be gourmet. I also thought that naming the recipes after Star Wars characters may get Anakin to try food without protest. And I think it pretty much worked!

Han Solo Shells with Chicken and Broccoli

This was actually a really fun recipe to make because it gave me the opportunity to create my own alfredo sauce using heavy cream, Parmesan cheese, and butter. Add in broccoli, shells, and pre-cooked chicken and it's heaven.

The Daisy Picker: two thumbs up
Anakin Skywalker: one them up

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