Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Playing Catch-Up!

Things have gotten pretty crazy in my nanny-world and my blog has been suffering as a result. The baby nurse went on to another job in NYC so little Pepperoni and I have been hanging out a lot more. I have a lot less down time and by the end of the night (after playing and helping to care for three children) I am plumb tuckered out!

Last Tuesday I made:

Ewok Pork Chops

The Daisy Picker took an immediate liking to it while Anakin, being his usual self, swore that he thought it was disgusting. He ended up eating it the following night, though, when he didn't approve of my next dish:

Tuscan Chicken Simmer

By FAR one of my favorite meals. It's cooked chicken breasts simmered in a creamy pesto sauce with grape tomatoes cut in half. DELISH. The Daisy Picker also enjoyed this fare. I commented to Anakin that maybe he only likes day-old recipes since he devoured the pork chops from the night before that he swore were gross.

Thursday and Friday's meals were cop-outs meaning they were either microwaved or popped out of a package just because we had so so much going on both days.

Monday (yesterday) was back to the drawing board with:

Quick Creamy Chicken and Noodles

I'm just realizing now that it's all pretty monotone. Egg noodles, cubed cooked chicken breast, Parmesan cheese, milk, and Campbell's condensed Cream of Chicken Soup seasoned with black pepper actually makes a surprisingly tasty (and quick!) meal. Both kids loved this last one.

I am going to endeavor to keep up to date on all of my dinners. I may even start displaying what I serve for side dishes [OooooOOo, AAAaaahhhh]!

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