Monday, December 6, 2010

VooDoo Pasta (a.k.a. Emperor Palpatine Pasta)

I was immediately intrigued by the name of this recipe when I originally saw it: VooDoo Pasta. Funny, I took a whole class on Caribbean cultures in College and this recipe never popped up. I read down the ingredients list: alfredo sauce, fusilli pasta, smoked sausage and BAM! Cajun Seasoning. You can either follow that handy link to a recipe for creating the concoction or you can buy it pre-made from McCormick.

I wasn't too sure how the boys would respond to a seasoning with so many...well...seasonings. Cayenne pepper, garlic powder, paprika, etc. just doesn't strike me as something that would click with the under 5 palette. So I opted out of the pre-made and just added a little black pepper, parsley leaves, and oregano to the already smoked sausage. I cooked the noodles and combined it all in a huge saucepan.

Anakin, less willing to admit that he enjoys the taste of new foods, spit out the sausage and promptly got in trouble. The Daisy Picker OF COURSE knew that the sausage was disgusting because Anakin didn't like it. Sometimes I wish I could sequester them in separate rooms to eat because the Daisy Picker is more likely to try new things.

Emperor Palpatine Pasta a.k.a.Vodoo Pasta

*I'm not putting a critique on this one because Anakin negatively influenced The Daisy Picker and I think BOTH actually really enjoyed it considering they ate the noodles at lightening speed.

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